Day 215: Friday “Evangelism”

This week we will be looking at “classic” scripture and passages used for sharing the gospel. Take time to use our 5 classic Daily Bread techniques (Plain reading, inductive OIDA study, original language and single word focus, lectio divina, and extra biblical sources) to understand the passages deeply, but each day will end with working to be able to express the truth simply.

Read 1 John 3:1-3

1. Pick a study technique from the Daily Bread series and dig deeper into this passage. What stands out to you? What new insight do you have?

2. What impact does this truth have on your own life? How does it impact your heart and understanding of the gospel?

3. How would you explain this verse to a non-believer who may not understand Christianese? Rewrite this truth in your own words and include a sentence of testimony about how it impacts you personally.


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