Day 214: Thursday “Evangelism”

This week we will be looking at “classic” scripture and passages used for sharing the gospel. Take time to use our 5 classic Daily Bread techniques (Plain reading, inductive OIDA study, original language and single word focus, lectio divina, and extra biblical sources) to understand the passages deeply, but each day will end with working to be able to express the truth simply.

Read John 3:16-21

1. Pick a study technique from the Daily Bread series and dig deeper into this passage. What stands out to you? What new insight do you have?

2. What impact does this truth have on your own life? How does it impact your heart and understanding of the gospel?

3. How would you explain this verse to a non-believer who may not understand Christianese? Rewrite this truth in your own words and include a sentence of testimony about how it impacts you personally.


Day 213: Wednesday “Evangelism”

This week we will be looking at “classic” scripture and passages used for sharing the gospel. Take time to use our 5 classic Daily Bread techniques (Plain reading, inductive OIDA study, original language and single word focus, lectio divina, and extra biblical sources) to understand the passages deeply, but each day will end with working to be able to express the truth simply.

Read Ephesians 2:8-9

1. Pick a study technique from the Daily Bread series and dig deeper into this passage. What stands out to you? What new insight do you have?

2. What impact does this truth have on your own life? How does it impact your heart and understanding of the gospel?

3. How would you explain this verse to a non-believer who may not understand Christianese? Rewrite this truth in your own words and include a sentence of testimony about how it impacts you personally.


Day 212: Tuesday “Evangelism”

This week we will be looking at “classic” scripture and passages used for sharing the gospel. Take time to use our 5 classic Daily Bread techniques (Plain reading, inductive OIDA study, original language and single word focus, lectio divina, and extra biblical sources) to understand the passages deeply, but each day will end with working to be able to express the truth simply.

Read Romans 6:19-23

1. Pick a study technique from the Daily Bread series and dig deeper into this passage. What stands out to you? What new insight do you have?

2. What impact does this truth have on your own life? How does it impact your heart and understanding of the gospel?

3. How would you explain this verse to a non-believer who may not understand Christianese? Rewrite this truth in your own words and include a sentence of testimony about how it impacts you personally.


Day 211: Monday “Evangelism”

This week we will be looking at “classic” scripture and passages used for sharing the gospel. Take time to use our 5 classic Daily Bread techniques (Plain reading, inductive OIDA study, original language and single word focus, lectio divina, and extra biblical sources) to understand the passages deeply, but each day will end with working to be able to express the truth simply.

Read Romans 3:23-24

1. Pick a study technique from the Daily Bread series and dig deeper into this passage. What stands out to you? What new insight do you have?

2. What impact does this truth have on your own life? How does it impact your heart and understanding of the gospel?

3. How would you explain this verse to a non-believer who may not understand Christianese? Rewrite this truth in your own words and include a sentence of testimony about how it impacts you personally.


Day 209: Saturday “Evangelism”

We have come back to this passage multiple times and it makes a lot of sense to revisit it again. Read this verse and remember that our study this week is on evangelism, first Showing Christ, Sanctifying Christ and then Speaking Christ.

Read Acts 1:6-8

We have studied this in the context of other series. . . The Holy Spirit, God’s Radical Story and our Radical Faith, and now Evangelism. Today’s “three” questions are simple reflection.

1. How is God calling you specifically to be His witness in your immediate contexts (family, neighborhood city)?

2. How is God calling you specifically to be His witness in your greater contexts (to your culture, workplace, and even to those outside of your culture, including your enemies)?

3. How is God calling you specifically to be His witness to the ends of the earth?

Pray over steps you can begin taking today to be able to Speak Christ in both your immediate and extended cultural contexts. . . and then take the first step.


Day 208: Friday “Evangelism”

A life of testimony and living for the gospel can still lead to some tough situations. Paul ended up in captivity and forced to defend himself. Here he shared his testimony.

Read Acts 22:1-21

1. A testimony can include our life before Christ, how we were changed and how our life is different now. As you read Acts 22, what does Paul say within these different categories from his own life? How do these different movements within a testimony play a role in sharing God’s glory?

2. How would you write your testimony within these 3 categories? Take some time now to jot down a few bullet points on your life before (or when you lived without) Christ, how He captured your heart, and how life is different with Him.

3. Can you write those 3 elements simply in 3-5 sentences and share them? This will be your 30 second testimony! As you work through these elements on paper, writing them out, also take time memorize the way it’s expressed so that you will be prepared to give your own short testimony. Maybe even practice speaking it to someone close to you that you trust today. . . and if you feel brave enough, share it with someone else as well!


Day 207: Thursday “Evangelism”

What motivates a man to speak truth in the context of another person’s beliefs, studying their statues, poets, and philosophy?

Read 1 Corinthians 9:19-27

1. Yesterday we saw the importance of being in the world, and being able to connect to that world, but not being of it. How does that relate to this passage today? What would the perception of different groups be of Paul as he spent time trying to connect with people that were very different from them, even though Paul just connected with them?

2. And for what purpose would Paul put himself through these shifting cultures? (v22-23) Take time to read these verses again and again and as you do, think about the person you want to share the gospel with. Are you becoming to them what they need for the sake of the gospel?

3. In vs 24-27, we read analogies on what kind of training and dedication this takes. How should we be training? What does dedicating ourselves to sharing the heart of the gospel look like? What steps can you take today to prepare?


Day 206: Wednesday “Evangelism”

A true connection in an evangelism conversation goes two different ways. It connects to the heart of the one already changed, like our study of David in Psalm 51 yesterday, and through the understanding and verbiage of the listener. We see many biblical examples of the principles of God’s truth being explained in the culture of the listener.

Read Acts 17:16-34

1. Much of the focus on Acts 17 falls on the way that Paul used the culture of Athens to teach God’s truth, and we will get to that, but first we have to see why Paul even had a door opened to him to share those words. Read verses 16-21 again. What was Paul already doing? What was the posture of those that were hearing? How did these two things lead to the opportunity to share at the Areopagus?

2. How many reference points to Athenian culture is there in Paul’s sharing? How did he use these connections to built, speak to, or counter?

3. What were the different responses of the listeners? Someone as incredible as Paul had both successes and “active failures” (some people did not come to faith, but Paul still succeeded in making sure all had a chance to hear the gospel). Often, fear of failure or rejection keeps us from sharing our faith. How can we shift our perspective? What can we both see, and do differently, when it comes to sharing our faith?


Day 205: Tuesday “Evangelism”

Our testimony does not begin with words. It starts with God’s love. What He does for us moves us to have to speak about how great He is and how much everyone needs to know Him!

Read Psalm 51

1. What is the context of this Psalm? What is it in reaction to? Recognize the heart of repentance that David shows and see what he understands about his own sin and God’s great mercy.

2. Once David finishes the repenting stanzas, what is the theme of the next section? How many different ways is this theme expressed? And what is the result that he expects from these actions?

3. What is it in your heart that you need to repent from? What actions or past do you need to offer up to God? What ritualistic steps of faith replaced what should be a broken and contrite heart? And how can you follow this model of repentance, then testimony of God’s great mercy? God used some of David’s biggest moments of shame to be glorified, turning a heart back to follow him and giving everyone who reads these words a model on how our greatest shames and secrets can also glorify God.


Day 204: Monday “Evangelism”

Last week we looked at the importance of living transformed lives. When we are changed, the proof of our testimony won’t just rely on logic, evidence, or debate. People will see a transformed lives and the words we share will already have weight.

Read Mark 5:1-20

1. Going back a few series, take time to look “Beyond the Miracles” of Jesus here. Understand the miracle He did and why He did it. Then take time to understand what He was communicating to the person He healed through His actions. What lasting message is given here?

2. Now onto our series on evangelism: After being transformed, what did the man want to do? What did Jesus tell him to do instead? And what were the results of him sharing his testimony to those who recognized who he was?

3. How does that affect our understanding of “following Jesus” and “sharing our testimony”? What level of discipleship, what amount of time following Jesus, do we need before we’re ready to share what God has done in our lives? How can we show Christ, sanctify Christ, and speak Christ live this man?
