Day 527-533

Day 527-533

Our message this week focused on Genesis 39, centered around Joseph’s faith in the midst of temptation from Potiphar’s wife. The main point was that “We can only control our own actions. We cannot control the actions of others, nor can we control all of the circumstances that we find ourselves in. When we trust that God means everything for good (His glory!) then we can react to everything with genuine faith.”

This week for our daily devotionals we will look at themes that explore the idea that no matter what situation we find ourselves in, we can choose to make the right choice, understanding how God can move in every situation. Whether we are fighting temptation, burning emotions, or whether or not to endure through a difficult situation when everything in our body yearns to give up, it is the brief moment we stop to remember that God is in control that will allow us to persevere. 

Day 527 Monday– take time to read 1 Corinthians 10:13 and see how God provided ways for Joseph to escape temptation. Even though Joseph did the right thing, notice it did not necessarily always make life easier for him. How is God providing ways out for you in the battles you are fighting?

Day 528 Tuesday– When it comes to making the right choices, we have to know what choices we should be making. The easiest answer is to choose God’s way, but that is also vague. A different route to choosing what is right is knowing what is wrong. Keep in mind not just the actions, but the heart and emotions that lead to the 10 commandments as you read Exodus 20:1-17 and see if there’s anything that you see in your life today that might be a struggle that you need to grow in self control with.

Day 529 Wednesday– In contrast to yesterday of knowing what not to do, today focus on what God wants you to do. Notice the end of Galatians 5:22-23, “Against such things there is no law.” If you can live constantly in the fruit of the Spirit, you will always be following the heart of God for your life. You can control your own actions, no matter what the circumstance, if you do it with the Spirit’s guidance. What fruits do you most easily understand? Which are the hardest for you?

Day 530 Thursday– Living a changed life requires knowledge (studying God’s truth, like the commandments), connection with God (being the Spirit from yesterday), then actually allowing those things to affect your daily life. Read James 2:14-26. Why would seeing works be important to faith, if we know that we are saved by faith alone? 

Day 531 Friday– We have those moments where we know what to do, want to do it, and just can’t do it. When you hit those moments, know that you are not alone. Read Romans 7:13-25. What in your life can you relate to in this attitude and experience? How do you break the cycle of doing what you do not want to and not doing what you do want to do?

Day 532 Saturday– We can say that most people do not like running. Some do really enjoy it, but most people want the benefits of running without the work. The only way we can finish a race is if we get in to it and keep pushing on. We may not like running the race at times, but we must persevere! Hebrews 12:1-13 gives us the key to running our race of life. It is not just enduring suffering or discipline, it comes from keeping our eyes on Jesus. Think about what is weighing you down in life right now and then try to see that situation with your eyes set on Jesus. Do you see how God can be using this? How can you continue on racing in this situation?

Day 533 Sunday– 2 Timothy 1:7 Take this verse and read it ten times today. Read it, pray over it, then read it again, and pray again. Embed the words into your heart and the way you think this week. 

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