Day 520-526

This week, we’re going to give our incredible devotional writer a well deserved break. We want to thank Christiana for her faithfulness in keeping Our Daily Feast going with incredible prompts, meditations, prayers, and encouragement to stay in the word. Today’s post will cover topics for us to study this week as we begin our series on the life of Joseph.

Everyday we will reread the story of Joseph and his brothers from Genesis 37 and focus on a different related topic each day of the week. In an oversimplified telling of the story with Joseph and his brothers, we often see our young innocent Joseph being bullied by his jealous brothers. But there are great issues and emotional baggage that Jacob, Joseph, and the rest of the family carry.

What issues we carry are all “what God meant for good” and these are all examples that we can learn from, both positive and negative reactions.

Today, read Genesis 37 and keep in mind these topics and verses. Then reply with, journal, and pray over two simple questions. “What is God teaching in these verses?” And “How can I live differently today because of that truth?”

Day 520- MONDAY: Boasting (Prov 27:1-2, James 4:13-17)

Day 521- TUESDAY: Favoritism (James 2:1-13)

Day 522- WEDNESDAY: Comparison (2 Corinthians 10:12-18, Luke 18:9-14)

Day 523- THURSDAY: Anger (Ephesians 4:25-32, James 1:19-27)

Day 524- FRIDAY: Confidence in God’s calling (2 Timothy 1:6-14)

Day 525- SATURDAY: God’s providence (Romans 8:26-39)

Day 525- SUNDAY: Spend time praying over Genesis 37 this morning. Ask God to reveal the people in your life you may have hurt, need to reconcile with, or may need to have a talk with about how you have treated them in the past. Be aware of more than just “what I did to them” but also consider “how I made them feel.” Acknowledging their hurts is just as important as apologizing for past actions.


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